
Here at USDOT Signs, we help our customers maintain USDOT compliance. Each state can vary for display regulations. Make sure to check the state that your company is located in to view the state-specific US Department of Transportation regulations. We have linked each state for your convenience below! 

The US Department of Transportation requires carriers operating in interstate commerce to display their name and USDOT number on both sides of the power unit (cab or vehicle door) before putting them into service. The lettering must be bold and contrasting to the color of the surface the lettering is applied on. The minimum lettering height for USDOT compliance is 2".

To ensure USDOT compliance:

  • Display your USDOT issued number on both sides of the power unit
  • The vehicle door is the most common place to apply your vinyl lettering or magnetic sign
  • Lettering must be bold and contrast the painted surface of the vehicle or power unit
  • Lettering height should be a minimum of 2" tall, which is the absolute minimum for the dot numbers to be visible from 50 feet away
State Regulation Links: